Introducing Corona-Chan
I hope that everybody is keeping healthy and safe during the Coronavirus crisis. When the lockdowns first started an author I know named David V. Stewart put out a call for submissions for a free anthology of stories to help people who might be under lockdown and not able to afford entertainment. I submitted a few previously published short stories as did a lot of wonderful authors, many of whom I know personally. It took Dave two days to put the anthology together and get it price matched for free on Amazon. The result is Corona-Chan: Spreading theLove: Infectious Tales of Fantasy and Suspense Designed to Spread the Pulpdemic.
This is a truly amazing anthology with stories by some of the best authors working today, including yours truly. And, it is absolutely free for the duration of this crisis. Once the crisis is over, the anthology will be gone forever, so please pick up your copy today.
My two stories that appear in Corona-Chan were both originally published in Cirsova Magazine in summer 2018 and spring 2019. Cirsova is the most culturally important magazine of short fiction being published today, and out of all of the publications my stories have appeared in, this is the one that I am the most proud to be a part of. I have a brand new South Seas island adventure story called The Scent of the Yaka Aka Yo that is scheduled to appear in the May 2020 issue of Cirsova, so please keep an eye out for it!
When you read my two stories in the Corona-Chan anthology, I want you to notice something about them, that although they were both originally published in the same magazine less than a year apart, they are both completely different from one another. In fact, they read like they could be written by two different authors. This is by design.
There are a lot of authors out there who only write one thing, and who turn out the same book over, and over, and over again. This is not who I am or who I aspire to be. I like to read a lot of different kinds of books, and I like to write a lot of different kinds of books, too. I like to play around when I write, to experiment, and to try out new things. I try to surprise myself when I write, and I hope my writing surprises my readers as well. There is a lot of joy, I think, in being surprised.
This is why I decided to follow up my last book, Expedition to Eden, which is set in the Biblical Garden of Eden, with Ebu Gogo, a novel that has human evolution and genetic anthropology at its core. When Ebu Gogo comes out in late April or early May and you read it, I think you'll notice that just as Going Native and Warrior Soul are completely different from one another, that Ebu Gogo is a completely different book from Expedition to Eden. It is funnier, weirder, and absolutely horrifying. There is a lot of action in Ebu Gogo, but it is less the swashbucking kind of action found in Expedition to Eden, and more the visceral and heart-pounding kind.
As of this writing, I have finished the manuscript for Ebu Gogo, sent it to my beta readers, and have hired an amazing cover artist with an extremely NSFW gallery.
If you want to keep up to date on what I am doing, including being notified when Ebu Gogo and the next issue of Cirsova are out, please sign up for my MAILING LIST.
Thanks for reading, and I wish you all the best of luck during the lockdown.